Rtt1 Task 1

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RTT1 – Task 1 Pamela Hyvonen, RN
Nursing-Sensitive Indicators: A Scenario Nursing sensitive indicators are factors shown to be directly impacted by nursing. In the 1800s, Florence Nightingale identified such indicators when she presented her statistical findings of soldiers’ mortality rates associated to environmental conditions during the Crimean War. Various studies have been conducted worldwide in order to establish the relationship between nursing sensitive indicators and health outcomes. The American Nurses Association recognizes that the results of these studies are an important resource for evidence-based practice. In 1998, the ANA created a repository for implementing, developing, and storing nursing-sensitive indicators, under the name of the National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators, or NDNQI. This database provides access to quality reports for various facilities, and provides examples of how these reports have been used to improve patient care; healthcare centers can then utilize this information to make informed staffing decisions and improve patient outcomes within their own setting (American Nurses Association, 2014). Nursing-sensitive indicators are broken down into three distinct categories: structure, process, and outcomes. The structure of nursing care consists of the organizational pieces of nursing, which include staffing levels, staffing mix, and education and experience levels of the nurses in a given health care setting. Process is simply policies and procedure; this category looks as methods of assessments and care provided, types of interventions performed, and staff satisfaction levels.

Identifying Nursing-Sensitive Indicators After reading the scenario, it is quite clear that there are numerous areas needing improvement, which should be promptly addressed. The most significant lack of knowledge regarding

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