Roots Of Prohibition Essay

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Roots of Prohibition Notes * A 15 – year – old would drink about seven gallons of alcohol a year, by the 1830’s (3x times as much as we drink today). * Women couldn’t do anything, because they had fewer rights and were dependent on their husbands for support. * 1830’s – 1840’s first serious anti – alcohol movement (Temperance Movement) * Abolitionists saw that drinking was also a huge problem / evil to be exterminated. * Temperance movement came about from Protestant churches, first advised to drink in moderation, and then oppose the temptation, then demanded the government to ban / outlaw alcohol. * Excerpt from : “Last Call : “The Rise and Fall of Prohibition” by Daniel Okrent : * San Francisco streets were blocked. Just two weeks before prohibition was enacted, people bought as many alcohol…show more content…
Women’s Christian Temperance Movement * After the Civil War, immigrants purged in U.S. – mostly come from Ireland, Germany, Italy, and other European countries. They surely didn’t want to bury their old customs. * When the German – American entrepreneurs scaled up th production, the brewing business boomed. * In the 1870s, thousands of women began to protest and organize politically for the cause of temperance. Women’s Christian Temperance Movement (WCTU) Lead by Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and other inspiring women. * Frances Willard led to the creation of laws restricting alcohol and creating anti – saloon educational campaign to reach through schoolrooms. * ------------------------------------------------- WCTU other goals were to improve living / working conditions, protect the rights of young children, improve public education, secure women’s rights,
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