Roosevelt's Foreign Policy During World War II

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WWII: Chapter 25 Roosevelt= peace, WWII= “War to end all wars” Kellogg-Briand Pact of 1928- Almost all nations pledged not to use military force for aggressive ends. The League of Nation was continuously in Switzerland to make sure it was peacefull ( no U.S) -The Treaty of Versailles punished Germany for World War I -Adolf Hitler rose to power with the Nazi party -Japan was threatning China. -Most Americans did not want to send troops. Herbert Hoover’s Foreign Policy - The U.S should not enter into firm commitments to preserve the security of other nations. → isolationism - No military involvement Japanese Aggression in Manchuria - Did not accept the Open Door Policy and the covenant of the League of Nations. - Went…show more content…
Latin America - Friendly relations - In 1929 FDR went on a goodwill tour Ended the interventionist policies of Taft and Wilson by arranging of U.S troops to leave Nicaragua by 1933 and negotiated a treaty with Haiti to remove all U.S troops by 1934. Franklin Roosevelt’s Policies 1933- 1938 Good Neighbor Policy → support of a dollar diplomacy was not correct anymore b/c the U.S could no longer interfere with foreign affairs. - rise of militarist cooperations Pan- American conferences - The U.S agreed not to intervene in internal affairs of a Latin American countries - Buenos Aires, Argentina (1936) FDR stated that he would submit future disputes to arbitration - Also he said that if Europe attempted aggression against the U.S they would find a unified hemisphere fighting for mutual safety. Cuba → FDR Nullification of the Platt Amendment→ keeps naval base at Guantanamo Bay. Mexico → Lazaro Cardenas, took over U.S oil properties → FDR rejected corporate demands. Economic Diplomacy Helping U.S economy → London Economic Conference…show more content…
Neutrality Act of 1936: Forbade the extension of loans and credits to belligerents. Neutrality Act of 1937: Forbade the shipment of arms to the opposing sides in the civil war in Spain. Spanish Civil War: The outbreak of this war was viewed in Europe and U.S as ideological struggle between the forces of fascism, led by General Francisco Franco and the forces of republicanism. -America sympathized with the loyalists but were not able to do anything because of the neutrality acts. America First Committee- in1940 after WWII began isolationists were alarmed by Roosevelt’s pro British policies. To mobilize public opinion against war they formed the America First Committee. Speakers like Charles Lindbergh, traveled the country and spoke out against war. Prelude to War To avoid open conflict with Germany, a policy of appeasement was adopted. And allowed Hitler to get away with small acts of aggression and expansion. 1. Ethiopia: in 1935 Mussolini sent Italian troops to invade Ethiopia. The League of Nations and United States objected but did
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