Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry

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Ever since slavery racism was not only a thing but a way of life. Life filled with hatred and racism is a way to describe the time period of the Logan’s. Mildred Taylor’s Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry had shown inequality very effectively, but I don’t think that I could agree about equality. Roll of Thunder had taken place in the 1930s in Spokane County, Mississippi. The story tells the life of the Logan’s which includes, Big Ma, Mama, Papa (David), Cassie (the narrator), Little Man, Christopher-John, and Stacey with the accompaniment of the families protector Mr. Morrison. The Logan’s owned 400 acres in their own name (which was unusual during that time). The other black families in that community were the Berry’s and the Avery’s. Racial tension occurs between these families and the white community which includes, Mr. Granger, the Wallaces, and the Simms. In Roll of Thunder Mildred Taylor had given us a clear picture of inequality but a vague picture of equality. Abraham Lincoln had passed the 14th amendment that had stated that all people (no matter what skin color) were to be treated equal. But many people of that time had ignored and not even noticed that law. For instance the Night Riders (which we can infer were part of the KKK). The Night Riders considered their wrong doings onto their own hands. One situation that this had occurred was the Berry Burning. The Berry Burning had been caused of Mr.Berry supposedly flirting with a white woman. The Night Riders had heard of this and decided to follow Mr.Berry home. The Night Riders dragged all of the Berry’s out of their house and set fire to Mr.Berry and his nephew on fire. The buns had been very serious and injured the men. Ms.Clorretta (Mr.Berry’s niece) had witnessed it all and went to the police station for help. She was called a liar and sent home. Even though the 14th amendment clearly states equal
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