The Role Of Papacy In Europe During The 11th Century

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The Role of Papacy in Europe During the 11th Century Many of the important elements that made up the history of the Eleventh Century in Medieval Europe were rooted in the struggle between the imperial power of the time and the papacy. Part of the reason for the struggle was the push for political power by the papacy, and this had a significant impact on the relationship between the pope and the emperor. During the Reform Movement, the long-lasting tension between German empire and the Roman church was revealed, and the ensuing results of which ended up changing the role of papacy over this period of time. Before the Investiture Contest, the church officials were appointed by secular authorities. This created problems within the church because offices were essentially put up for sale by these secular authorities -- which are labeled as crimes of "simony" -- even though these appointments were still technically responsibilities of the church. To combat this, the church wanted to put appointing abilities solely in the hands of the pope, but the biggest barrier standing in their way was that it was the emperor choice as to whom the next pope would be. This essentially laid the foundation for the reform movements of the Eleventh Century. Henry III traveled to Rome to try and settle the controversy that sat within who was the rightfully entitled pope (Brian Tierney, Crisis of Church and State 1050-1300; pp. 27) He named his cousin, Leo IX, pope in 1049 and his legacy is highlighted by a few things: one being the issue of simony, his goal being to purify the church from being influenced by money; and he also took on the task of surrounding himself with "reform-minded" people and gave them permanent positions within the church. By doing these things, Leo sets a precedent for what the papacy's role will be during this time period -- namely one of revolutionary
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