Role Of Non Financial Compensation In Compensation

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Impact of Financial and Nonfinancial Rewards on Employee Motivation by Valerie L. Kisseloff, M.S. David Cross, Ed.D. Melanie Shaw, Ph.D. Abstract Employees lacking motivation can present a problem for all types of organizations, and there can be far-reaching impacts when employee performance is down. The ability to foster a motivating work environment is essential, and strategies must focus on how employee satisfaction and performance levels are tied to motivation. There are several ways that organizations can engage their workforce, and this study allows for an examination of the impacts of financial and non-financial rewards with respect to overall levels of employee motivation. To further examine this topic, prior literature was reviewed and a survey was emailed to graduate students enrolled in the Master of Science in Management degree program at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Worldwide. Of those surveyed, 186 responses were collected and analyzed to gain additional insight into workplace motivation. The survey results indicated that non-financial rewards are valued as more important than financial rewards from nearly all individuals surveyed. Although non-financial rewards were rated higher, the survey results concluded that both financial and non-financial reward elements impact employee motivation levels, which are ultimately linked to higher levels of satisfaction and performance. Impact of Financial and Non-financial Rewards on Employee Motivation There is ongoing discussion in business literature regarding the development of managerial skills and the characteristics of effective and capable managers. In a period of economic downturn, fostering a motivating work environment and understanding the elements of an effective motivation program are critical pieces of human resources management. Employees lacking motivation present a

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