Role Of Motivation In Macbeth

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Macbeth’s Motivations Analyzation Essay Has you ever wanted something so bad that you were willing to commit horrendous deeds to accomplish it? In Shakespeare's world renowned play Macbeth, the series of murders that are committed by the main character, Macbeth are instigated by his own greed and ambitions. Throughout the duration of the play Macbeth seems to acquire the ability to kill cold-bloodily. He starts his disposition with the murder of Duncan and that suddenly triggers his inner eagerness which then lead to the murder of his friend Banquo and soon Macduff’s family. The play begins by showing the main character, Macbeth as an honorable man who has just become the Thane of Thamis, but soon realizes this is not enough for him.…show more content…
Although it is quite different than his first encounter with murder, this murder is all Macbeth’s idea. Furthermore, instead of doing it himself he decides to hire hit men to kill his friend Banquo who he believes is in his way of getting what he wants, more power. “I am in blood, stepped in so far that I should wade no more, Returning were as tedious as go’oer” (Act I, Sc.IV, Line 136-137). This serves as a pivotal moment in this play, Macbeth has decided that he is in to far already and there is no point in going back. He has decided that he already has blood on his hands he should just keep killing and getting what he desires, which now is to secure his hierarchy position. Macbeth’s killings were justified in his mind, but soon enough his sheer ambition would turn into mindless killing to soothe his desire of saving the crown which he worked hard to…show more content…
He starts off as a benevolent man who has honor, but then greed overtakes him. He is thrown ideas of him becoming a more powerful man and he takes these into his own hands. His ambitious personality starts to leak through, his need for power pushes him to do unimaginable things. He kills the king, Duncan to soothe his hunger for power. Nevertheless one murder didn't comfort him, he thinks he needs to secure his position. So he goes off and hires hit men to kill who he thinks is his enemy, the one who can take his power, Banqo. Soon enough he finds himself ordering the slaughter of a traitors family, which is when remorse never enters his thoughts. Macbeth’s greed and ambitions are the sheer motivators of his killings and that is evident throughout the journey of the play. As Shakespeare once wrote , “Fair is foul and foul is fair” (Act I, Sc.I, Line

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