Role Microorganisms Play In Human Life

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. Briefly state the role micoorganisms play in each of the following: A. Biological control of pests The naturally existing microorganisms help with the reduction of pest populations. With the help of human application and control there are pathogens that have an ability to kill their own host and are specific to the organism. The major benefit of using microbial insect control instead of chemicals is it will not contaminate other resources such as water and food supplies. They will not harm humans or other animals that may be in the same environment. There are beneficial microorganisms, mostly photosynthetic and lactic acid bacteria, yeast, and fermenting fungi. A farmer can uses beneficial bacteria to inoculate soil, fertilize and promote the production of nutrients in topsoil, where 80 percent of microbial activity takes place. It has been shown that the use of the fungus Entomophaga flourished and killed gypsy moths that were destroying plants and crops. B. Recycling of elements There are several elements that all living organisms need to survive such as oxygen, sulfur, carbon, phosphorus, and nitrogen. These elements exist in nature and microorganism play an essential role in converthing the elements into useful forms that plants and animals can use. They help break down wastes and incorporate nitrogen gas from the air into organic compounds, There are two types of bacteria, autotrophs and heterotrophs. Autotrophs have the ability to make their own food from light or chemical sources of energy. In contrast Heterotophs get their energy from the tissues or fluids of other organisms, breaking other organic compounds around them to make food. The decomposed material is used for energy. One specific bacteria called Saprobic bacteria live on decaying material, they decompose organic material to get energy and help recycle nutrients like nitrogen and carbon back

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