Robin Hood Case Study

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Prince John and the Sherriff are Robin Hood’s and the Merrymen’s main rival and are a definite threat to them by being in direct competition with each other and Robin Hood’s team; Robin Hood and his team are being constantly monitored by Prince John and the Sheriff. I would assume this to be considered as a high level threat because of the threat of an attack, taxations to the residents, and their persistent efforts to capture Robin Hood and his Merrymen. Suppliers would also be a high level threat because at any point those who support Robin Hood could be captured by Prince John and the Sherriff, thus cutting off supplies. The bargaining power of suppliers is high because of the kind of business Robin does; it’s illegal and therefore a high level threat to anyone who supplies to him as they could be jailed. 1) Assign a spy division or spies from some of his Merrymen, since they have a plethora of them. Robin Hood could consult with his already established lieutenants to discuss and assign to this fleet of spies. They could send them out around the sheriff’s office and around the towns village, this could encompass some of the new recruits possibly. This could also give them an advantage of always knowing where and what Prince John and the Sheriff are up to. They could try to get people from prince’s court on their payroll, acting as a spy keeping them aware of the sheriff’s and Prince’s every move. The disadvantage might be that the spies are trained very well, the prince and sheriff catch wind and these people are now jailed or punished and Robin Hood just lost good men and now the Prince and sheriff are more inclined to be cautious. 2) Maybe Robin Hood and his band of Merrymen should diversify more, turning some of the men into merchants and traders. Then they can use their power to threaten other merchants as well as the prince and
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