Rivalries In The Americas Contributed To European Wars Between 1702 And 1763

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Explain how colonial rivalries in the Americas contributed to the European wars between 1702 and 1763. -France and Great Britain were both expanding into the interior of North America at the same time. -Most nations were on a hunt for precious metals such as gold and silver which would in turn mean wealth for their nation (bullionism) -countries all wanted to spread there religion in the new world. Protestants versus Catholicism All these actions that were happening in the new world were being felt in the mother land as well. Colonies were an extension to there colonisers. As a result the race to gaining more colonies often meant that rivalry country’s would infringe on each others land. Also, many of the colonies thought that the only…show more content…
Colonies were an extension to there colonisers. As a result the race to gaining more colonies often meant that rivalry country’s would infringe on each others land. Also, many of the colonies thought that the only way they could take seize of the colonies is by attacking their colonisers as it meant taking there rivals immediate land and all her colonies . Study the documents below on the Columbus project, then answer (a) to (e) which follow. Document I Now knowledge is the chief weapon in overcoming fear. The geographical knowledge given to Europeans by the Arabs was the first blow struck against fear of the unknown universe. Two other gifts were the science of navigation and its instruments and improvements in shipbuilding. Without these, increased knowledge about the world would have been insufficient to bring about one of the greatest periods of exploration in history. Geoffrey Williams, Portraits of World History, Book II London: Edward Arnold Ltd, 1962, p. 12 Document II Muslim traders were spreading their religion through the East Indies… Wherever the European Christians went in the East, they found that the Muslims had gone before

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