Rise To Power Of Lenin

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Account for the Rise to Power of Lenin In this essay, I will give an account for the rise to power of Lenin. This is very important as Lenin’s power later on lead to the death of millions for example in multiple famines, the great purge and during his dekulakisation. The provisional government had given Lenin the ability to rise to power as they made many mistakes and they thereby created a discontent Russian people. The people wanted change and Lenin could supposedly provide the: “Peace, land, bread” which they demanded. First of all, I will discuss the many mistakes the provisional government had made such as delaying the elections for a constituent assembly as long as possible, keeping the peasant seizure of land illegal and their continuation of the war with Germany. The provisional government was small, weak and agreed not to contradict the Soviets with any of their policies. The members of the provisional government were not a proper representation of Russia’s people, as it was filled with aristocrats, professionals and reformist landowners. Kerensky, who was the minister of war of the provisional government, proclaimed new war offensives against Germany and gave speeches on the Eastern front to keep the soldiers battling. Many Russian citizens were displeased by Kerensky’s decision to persist the war against Germany. Russia’s economy was unable to finance a long war, there was a poor transport network and there were not enough munition factories. Therefore many citizens took part in protests against Kerensky in Saint Petersburg. Even though a treaty with Germany was signed only in 1918, it was the Bolsheviks who fostered the provisional government to have peace negotiations with Germany. More than a million soldiers had simply abandoned the army to go home or seized land from the nobility. This was due to another mistake the provisional government had
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