Ricoh Business At Work

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Aims and objectives in general An aim is something set that a company hopes to achieve, this is done through objectives, and if they achieve their objectives then they will achieve their aims. It’s very important for companies to set aims and objectives. This is because it gives the business direction and enables the business to monitor its success. They also help business to detect potential problems before they disrupt the business. Business also set targets using their objectives. Without objectives businesses, have no goals to aim for. Also employees need objectives to motivation them. Objectives also predict what business needs to do to increase profits and gain customers satisfaction. Objectives also give guidelines to all the functional areas, on how they need to perform. Objectives change frequently; the main reason for this is that customer demands are changing. There are also could rewards for meeting objectives, this is can be through bonuses. All objectives should be smart: - S pecific- it must be appropriate to the business and a clear statement of intent or a target M easurable- giving a specific measure i.e. a certain % A chievable- you must be able to do it R ealistic– you must be able to achieve it T ime scale- to see if you achieve the objective in a given time. If this system is not used, then it may be difficult for a business to make an objective that could be achieved and can be measured. Aims and Objectives at Ricoh Like any company Ricoh has aims and objectives to, but what is which are set in Japan. A mid term plan is produced every 5 years, Ricoh worldwide is on it’s 15th mid term plan, but Ricoh Telford is only on its 8th mid term plan, this is because the Telford branch was opened after Ricoh started. From the mid term plan Ricoh also produce aims and objectives. From the main mid term plan in Japan, there
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