Rhetorical Analysis Of Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address

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The Ancient Greek philosopher Plato calls rhetoric the “art of enchanting the soul.” The early American preacher, social reformer, and abolitionist Henry Ward Beecher says there is nothing more powerful on earth than the function of the “living voice” and that rhetoric should influence the “conduct of humanity, of patriotism and of religion.” This notion of how the spoken word, can be a powerful, transforming, tool that impacts humanity, patriotism and religion defines Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address. This paper explores the context, the content and the oration of the address at Gettysburg. According to historian and author Gary Wills, Abraham Lincoln had, “done what he wanted to do at Gettysburg.” This means that Lincoln far surpassed…show more content…
One of the qualities of the speech is that it is is sacramental, “consecrating and hallowing” the ground where soldiers had died. There is also the contrasting between the living and the dead. There are those who “gave their lives” and it is for “us, the living, to be dedicated here to the unfinished.” There is also death on other levels that go beyond the physical. The ideals of liberty and of equality have also been slain on the battlefield at Gettysburg. The theme of death and new life are found throughout the…show more content…
It is a debate that continues to divide the nation as religious groups argue with secular groups. The Christian dimension however of the Gettysburg Address is clear. Not only does Lincoln call the nation, “under God,” but the speech itself refers to a very specific theological concept. This idea is conveyed in the notion that in “death there is new life.” Lincoln states, “those who gave their lives so that this nation might live…the dead have not died in vain; that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom,” Death brings new birth. The achievements of those who fought are like a mid-wife who brings forth new life. In this case the new life comes in the form of liberty, freedom and ideals of
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