Rhetorical Analysis Essay On Martin Luther King Jr

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Mario Martinez Instructor Marsh English 1A 8 July 2012 I Had a Dream Depending who you ask, 1963 could have been one of those years that could be described as the year that changed the United States. Perhaps the whole decade can be attributed to the re-construction of the United States. One event that was significantly important was a cry of a people of that suffered the pain of persecution and that called to a nation for peace and equality. At the forefront of this event was Dr. Martin Luther King, the pinnacle figure at the time of freedom and racial equality. In this essay I will present why this speech is effective in many ways while using logos, pathos and ethos, in his writing techniques and skills on formal and informal…show more content…
King was personally speaking to those in the audience he continues to describe the "creative suffering" of "police brutality" and the imprisonment in "narrow cells" still again associating himself with his audience and relating to each individual’s need. The crowd in the background yells, “Hallelujah” and “Amen” with passion as if their experience was not only in just a speech. Dr. King then tells his audience to go back to their homes knowing "that this situation can and will be changed". Introducing his famous quote "I have a dream", Dr. King proclaims to his audience that "We hold these truths to be self-evident" a United States historic quote from the Declaration of Independence, which in its original meaning and in Dr. King’s speech that logically implies that these truths that all parties have agreed to, is obviously self-evident, that peace should always be what everyone wants. As Dr. King proclaims "I have a dream" his voice begins to get louder and with a rhythmic beat swaying from side to side at his podium as the crowd cheer and praise Dr. King’s vision for the path towards freedom. As Dr. King closes his speech, he reminds his audience of the history of which our nation has gone through by its religion and beliefs. Inspired by the lessons in the song "My Country, 'Tis of Thee" and the old negro spiritual "Let Freedom Ring". Dr. Martin Luther King did not just deliver a speech, he delivered
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