Rewriting The Healing White Light Script

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Rewriting The Healing White Light script The healing white light script is used, in hypnotherapy, to facilitate the natural healing of body mind and emotions. Basically the script can be used for either to induce a sense of general well being in any one, or in a variety of conditions that cause, all forms of specific symptoms. An attempt also is made to reconstruct the original script to suit a wider variety of subjects of different social levels. Author finds the script is mixed but leaning more towards authoritative. Attempt is made to make it even more permissive. Words and phrases are selectively deleted but strong suggestions are left behind and others added. ‘Fiery white light’ is changed to ‘soothing gentle and warm rays of white light’ Most patients may consider ‘Fiery’ being a source of unpleasant sensations since it is associated with burning. Recurrent mention of disease and discomfort, which are negatives, are replaced by more positive ones. The words, garbage, debris, toxins were avoided to give the subject a more pleasant relationship with his body and its byproducts, which are necessary to be formed but need to be eliminated and not to be hated or feared. So the words, impurities, and unwanted waste used. Author prefers the healing light to circulate within the body, than to let it flow out through the feet, and prefers only the impurities to go down that route. The size of the sphere of light expanding to three feet is quite small, and the subject may feel cramped inside causing claustrophobia if susceptible. Therefore it was changed to ‘ a diameter just beyond your arm span’ where there is enough space for each subject to comfortably float in his own custom made space, and be surrounded completely by the healing light. Also it gives the subject some control over the procedure. The descent of this sphere downward, and enveloping

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