Rett Syndrome Research Paper

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2 different neurological disorders that can occur in development and how it affects development. Rett Syndrome is a brain disorder that occurs almost exclusively in girls. After the birth of a girl the Rett syndrome they are develop normally for 6 to 18 months before having any severe problems with language and communication, learning, coordination, or other brain functions. Early in childhood, the affected girls lose use of their hands and begin making repeated hand wringing, washing, or clapping motions. They grow more slowly than other children and have a small heads. Other symptoms Rett syndrome include: Abnormal hand movements, unusual eye movements, breathing problems, irritability, abnormal behaviors, seizures, scoliosis, irregular…show more content…
Babies between the age of 6 and 18 months could show less eye contact and start to lose interest in toys. And have delays in sitting or crawling. Stage II, Children between 1 and 4 slowly lose their ability to speak or use their hands. During this stage they will have repetitive with purposeless hand movements. They sometimes hold their breath, hyperventilate and may scream or cry no reason. It is difficult for them to move on their own. Stage III, They plateau that usually begins between the ages of 2 and 10 years and can last for years. Even though there are continued problems with movement, the children cry less and become less irritable. They develop a better eye contact and use their eyes and hands to communicate. Stage IV, in this stage they show reduced mobility, muscle weakness and scoliosis. Their understanding and communication don't decline during this stage. However the, repetitive hand movements may decrease. Although sudden death can occur, the average life span of people with Rett syndrome is more than 50 years. They usually need care and assistance throughout their lives. Rett syndrome in boys who have the genetic mutation that causes Rett syndrome are affected in more devastating ways. A lot of them die before birth or in early childhood. There is a very small number of boys that have a less destructive form of Rett syndrome. Similar to girls with Rett syndrome, these boys…show more content…
Treatment, which generally includes medications or sometimes surgery, may eliminate or reduce the frequency and intensity of seizures. Some children with epilepsy even outgrow the condition with age. Because epilepsy is caused by abnormal activity in brain cells, seizures can affect any process your brain coordinates. A seizure can produce symptoms such as: Temporary confusion, staring spell, uncontrollable jerking movements of the arms and legs, Loss of consciousness or awareness. Psychic symptoms vary depending on the type of seizure. In most cases, a person with epilepsy will tend to have the same type of seizure each time, so the symptoms will be similar from episode to
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