Rest Room Inspection

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Rest Room Inspection Temple University has hired me as a DA which is a Dormitory Assistant that does weekly checks on restrooms in a specific location. Today my assignment is to inspect one of the bathrooms in the co-ed dorm which is located on the 2nd Floor. This restroom has not been checked on in a while so I may be doing this for a couple hours. My job is to record the cleanliness, maintenance issues, housekeeping concerns and any other things that may arise. I normally do these checks after 10 am because most students are in class already. I also interview a student to see if there is anything that they may have concerns about regarding this room. My final report is written and then presented to the institution. My inspection started at 11:30 am in the rest room in the Norris Hall dormitory. Upon first walking into the restroom I noticed a foul smelling odor and lighting. The bathroom should be well lit at all times. I assumed that it was trash of some sort that smelled. I began to check the toilets to see if any waste may not have been disposed of. In one stall there was vomit in the toilet which let me know that someone was not feeling well. I also noticed a trashcan near that stall that smelled of the same thing, I put my gloves on and noticed that someone may have vomited in the trashcan as well. I am not exactly sure how long it has been there but it needed to me taken care of. I decided to start the stall checks and in the particular stall the reason for the foul smell was because the toilet seemed to be clogged and would not flush. It seemed as if someone used a lot of paper and just decided to through it in the toilet. Upon checking each stall which there is twelve, only two toilets did not work. The school still uses the old toilets that you have to physically flush instead of the sensor toilets. There were seven stalls without toilet tissue. The
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