Response To Christianity

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The objective for this paper is to outline the proper response of Christians to reason, rationality, scientific investigation, physics and the natural world. These five areas of discussion provide a broad range of topics, and there is an overwhelming amount of literature on each subject and their relationship to religion. The religious references to these discussions, in some cases, date back millennia as people fought over the origin of life and their own world views. While six pages cannot supply an entire background or debate for each topic, the intention is to sufficiently address important information and relate the topics in a way that evidently shows a Christian Worldview based on the education received from Belhaven University and the…show more content…
However, the Bible is one of the only ‘holy books’ that encourages its readers to examine the facts for themselves and determine what is true (NRSV 1 Thes. 5:21). He further supports our scientific investigations in many verses like Proverbs 2:6 (ESV) where He promises to give wisdom and understanding; He also told Moses to tell the people in Exodus 31:3-4 (NIV) that he filled the people with wisdom, understanding, knowledge and all kinds of skills. Christians can derive their beliefs from science and religious writings, however skeptics rely completely on scientific facts. In J.P. Moreland’s, Christianity and the Nature of Science, he discusses some of the basic presuppositions of science and points out how science alone is unable to explain the universe. 3 Therefor, nonbelievers contradict themselves by believing the universe has a natural cause despite the lack of observational evidence to support their theory. Moreland seems to wish for a world in which religion and science can completely understand each other, however it might be a detriment to Christian faith if such were true. The majority of the Bible depicts natural occurring events, however the Christian God is capable of miracles and phenomena that should not be understood further than His all-knowing wisdom and power. Therefor, the Christian response to scientific investigation should be to examine and understand to the extent of…show more content…
It is a common misconception in today’s society that Christians can fully understand the Laws of Physics or science. Secularists question the ability to understand mechanisms when one can also put their faith in a “supernatural” God. Contrary to popular belief, theistic scientists have dominated many of the breakthroughs in understanding God’s design. As early as the 1500’s, Polish astronomer Nicholas Copernicus was the first person to put forward the mathematically based system of planets going around the sun and was known to refer to God in his works because he did not think it conflicted with the Bible. Another noteworthy individual is Albert Einstein who was a great physicist but viciously attacked for his beliefs and even had his life threatened for believing in God. On a professional level, he was ridiculed in published articles and attacked in public speeches. 4 One famous quote of Albert Einstein is, “Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.” While this paper is not focused on the history of each topic, it is significant to show how Christians were treated by the secular world. I believe the Christian response to Physics should follow suit to those great Christian predecessors in that the secular world cannot take away your achievements, knowledge or dignity for standing firm in the beliefs in which you base

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