Residential Assistant Observation Report

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Observations Ashley Warren Everest University Observation is an act instance of viewing or noting a fact or occurrence for some scientific or other special purpose; preservation. Working as a residential assistant, there was a lot of observation involved. You’re dealing with residents and their behavioral disabilities. There was constant observation with the employees’ behavior towards the residents as well. I have noticed how employees handle the residents; how residents adapt to employees coming and going; how management handles concerns/complaints from employees and residents. The list goes on and on. A main part of the job is to adapt to sudden changes, knowing when and how to act when it may trouble presents itself. Every…show more content…
Some of the residents I’ve cared for, may have had a disability, but they were very manipulative. You have to keep in mind that you are not there to be a friend, but to assist them with daily living. I feel like the company did not properly train the employees, but at the same time, it’s common sense, and very easy to pick up on. One resident for instance, had an issue with spending money. She also had a nicotine addiction. She would manipulate the weakest person in the home to supply her with what she needed, and if she couldn’t get what she wanted, she would wait until your back was turned and elope. It could be for a few minutes to a few days before you heard anything from her. After the first attempt, and with weekly meetings, everyone should be able to catch on the ones’ behavior. During shift reports and company meetings, these things are discussed, but with a lack of caring, it was a lose-lose situation. I’ve witnessed that if they can fit in with the residents, it would make the job easier for them. They are more than likely to get by with just about anything without the resident going back and reporting it to management. You become careless to your job duties; and that’s exactly what happened with…show more content…
Second shift would get lazy when it came to preparing dinner, so at times the residents would still be hungry after a while. The floors would still be dirty underneath and behind furniture or the stove would be covered in cooking oil. These are common things that every shift is responsible for at the end of each shift, but because I have to make sure the facility is thoroughly cleaned by the next shift, it was extra work added on. At times I would have to alternate days with dusting and scrubbing because everything could not be completed within the time

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