Research Paper On Cochlear Implants

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Taylor Austin Ms. Scott English 10 9 March 2009 Cochlear Implants in Minors What is the definition of normal? Better yet, what is society’s definition of normal? Does it mean a person can walk? Does it mean a person can see with both eyes? Hear with both ears? People would think that with all the world has to offer, everyone would be accepted for who they are, rather than if they are normal or not. So, why would we be surgically implanting wires and metals into babies’ heads to help them fit the criteria of normal? Those wires and metals are part of a cochlear implant. The surgeons that are implanting children as young as twelve months are absurd (Nevala). The thought of implanting this “bionic ear” device into…show more content…
Cochlear implants are used when the medical perception of deaf is taken; something is wrong with the child’s ears…this must be corrected. Parents are much to blame for this controversy. They are ridiculously obsessed with having a normal child; a child without the hindrance of a hearing loss. Instead of accepting this child as being different, and putting forth effort into learning his/her language, they perceive the child as broken or impaired. Overcoming the oppression experienced by the majority of deaf people needs to begin with the parents of the next generation. They need to accept deafness themselves, and teach children to be proud of who they are. “Being content with oneself is the only true way to happiness” (The Color Purple as qtd. “Cochlear Implants”). The oppression also includes cochlear implants being a stab in deaf culture. There are millions of people that have strived to make this distinct culture what it is today. By implanting children, they are implying they are not good enough for that culture and will be disconnected from it as soon as they go under the needle. As minors, those children are forbidden to choose whether or not they want to be part of the deaf culture, or the “normal” culture. Therefore, getting implanted is a decision that should be made under extreme scrutiny and by a person of legal…show more content…
Society is obviously geared towards this average normality. Authors Karl Marx and Friearich Engels wanted an equal chance for everyone, and they believed that society should be geared towards the norm so everyone could obtain those equal chances. “Deafness to Marx and Engels would be a deviation from the norm and would need repaired” (as qtd. "Cochlear Implant Controversy"). Most people would have to side with these two authors; therefore, getting deaf babies implanted seems like the “normal” thing to do. However, if deafness is seen as “not normal,” what about people with a prosthetic leg? People do not see the fake leg, unless he/she does not have long pants on, but the fact that he/she has one is not considered normal to the rest of the world. These people may have a false leg, but they can still walk, talk, hear, and see, and yet, they are still different. Are they considered not normal? The definition of this word cannot be pinpointed or specified in any such way, but because society has not woken up from the Dark Ages, it does not mean the deaf children of the world have to live up to this normality and be poked and prodded just to fit this broad definition of
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