Res/351 Week 1: Business Research Process

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Business Research Process RES/351 February 27, 2013 Amanuel Gobena Business Research Process There are six stages to the business research process. Clarifying the research question is the first stage, discovering management dilemma, define management questions and define the research questions. Stage two is proposing research, which consist of valuing research information and the research proposal. Designing the research project is stage three starting with research design, sampling design and pilot test. Data collection and preparation is stage four. Stage five data analysis and interpretation and stage six is reporting the results. Currently at work my organization has been having a really big problem with material handler’s equipment (MHE). Command decided to put together a team to try and figure out what was going on with all of the accidents and damages being done on out installation with the MHE. The team consisted of seven personnel. Two from the training department, two managers from the safety department, one distribution facilities specialist and two subject matter experts (SME). Safety brought plenty of statistics to the table to show the team what they have been seeing at the installation. After the entire team reviewed…show more content…
The team came up with two plans, a short term plan to implement as soon as possible and a long term plan. The short term plan is to place key boxes in each warehouse and have the employees sign out the keys. This doesn’t fix all of our problems but at least it shows the organization that there is something being done. The long term plan is to install radio-frequency identification tags (RIFD) on all MHE throughout the installation. This system will allow our organization to track every last MHE, letting us know who is on it, who damaged it, where the accident happened and even let us know when the MHE is due for a
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