Res 110 Paganism Research Paper

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Paganism Michelle Stultz RES/110 March 22, 2012 Erich Grubert Paganism The Christian community has caused confusion, misunderstanding, and unfair judgment of the facts involving Pagans. The statements the Christians have made about Pagans being evil and worshiping the Devil started to put the fear into those country dwellers trying to convert them to their beliefs of Christianity. This is far from the truth because Pagans are not the satanic devil worshiping cult…show more content…
Both have incorporated Pagan concepts but given them their own spin to make them more palatable to their followers. According to Buckland, (2006), Ostara, is a Pagans spring festival, celebrating the planting of seeds which, will grow into new life has similarity with Lent and Easter. Lent is a period of spiritual renewal; Ostara is the time to plant new seeds, which may be literal or spiritual “in nature.” Lent is by Easter: the death and resurrection of Jesus; Ostara is also about new life and…show more content…
Pickering, (1996) “An example of this would be if 10,000 years ago someone’s stomach was upset he or she might call for a shaman or witch for a cure. That person would use the items available to them as well as the information handed down through an apprenticeship. Included in this was calling for the help of a deity to heal which is considered important in that process.” Today’s individuals are looking to go back to the “old ways” in a process they call “a holistic approach” to personal health. Individuals today are using more natural cures instead of a pill or surgery. It is not uncommon to find someone praying for a sick friend’s health no matter what religion background. When putting these together somehow has other implications and there is a stigma attached to anyone who uses these things together because people equate witches to those of Wizard of Oz, or worse (Bear, D.
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