Report On Alzheimer's Disease

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I’m doing my report on Alzheimer’s disease because I hear that more people are being diagnosed every day. My grandmother was just diagnosed last month in the mild-moderate stage. I want to learn more about this disease so I will be able understand what is going on with them and why their personality is changing so much. Dementia is a term used for loss of memory and other intellectual and social abilities that interfere with one’s daily life. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia. Alzheimer’s accounts for approximately sixty percent of all dementia cases. Vascular dementia, from a stroke is the second most common form with twenty five percent and the other fifteen- percent consists of patients with various other…show more content…
Dr. Alzheimer had a fifty-one year old patient Auguste D. Her family brought her to see him in 1901 when she had developed some memory problems. She was also having difficulty speaking and understanding things that were spoken to her. Her symptoms continued to deteriorate and she was bedridden within a few years. She died in the spring of 1906. After performing an autopsy, Dr. Alzheimer saw that there was dramatic shrinkage in the cortex of the brain. This is the area that involves memory, thinking, judgement and speech. While researching under the microscope, he saw fatty deposits in some of the small blood vessels, dead and dying brain cells and abnormal deposits in and around certain brain cells. Dr. Alzheimer referred to this case as a special case of “pre- senile dementia”. He thought of this case as a form of dementia in a patient that was not elderly. A few years later in 1910, Dr. Emil Kraepelin a psychiatrist known for his work with brain disorders proposed that this disease be known as Alzheimer’s disease.(article…show more content…
Since Alzheimer’s disease shows the reduction of activity of the neurons of the brain, certain medicines are used to help slow this down. These drugs are cholinesterase inhibitors and can only be used in the mild to moderate stages. They are known as donepezil, galantamine and rivastigmine. These medications stabilize cognitive functions and have a positive effect on behavior. It seems that passed the moderate stage these drugs are not effective. Doctors also believe that exercising the brain is always helpful. Like with the medication, doing these in the earlier stages of Alzheimer’s is more beneficial to the patient. These activities would include doing crossword puzzles, memory games, playing chess and checkers.(Mayo Clinic pg. 78 and

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