Renewable Energy: The Future Of The World

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Renewable Energy: The Future of the World? October 11, 2011 Abstract As time has passed, fossil fuels have become harder to obtain and new energy sources are being explored. Although these sources are being explored, fossil fuels are still the leading form of energy used throughout the world. As the population of Mother Earth continues to flourish, other sources of energy will have to come into play to sustain life as we know it. Renewable energy is a must for our survival. Renewable Energy: The Future of the World As time passes and things change, the environment and the species that live within are slowly dying. Trees are being cut on a daily basis to create more land for farming. Precious animals are losing their homes and the land is slowly eroding away. Water sources are being depleted and oil has reached its drilling peak. What does the future hold for the Earth? Companies such as Chevron and BP are exploring new ideas for energy sources and have invested large sums of money in this process. (Chevron) With new technology and experimental projects in tidal power, wind power, solar energy, wave power, hydroelectricity, geothermal power, nuclear power, and compressed natural gas; renewable energy has a chance to replace fossil fuels before they are completely depleted. (Fan) Tidal power, a form of hydropower, converts the energy of tides into electricity or other useful forms of power. It can be generated by tidal stream generators or by barrage generation. This power is usually safe on the ecosystems and causes less impact to the environment than other energy sources. Although not used very frequently yet, this energy source has potential for future electricity generation. (Fan) Due to the fact that tidal power is practically inexhaustible, it is considered a renewable energy. While tidal power may take additional energy from the Earth-Moon

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