Renaissance Humanism vs. Modern Humanism

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The fundamental principles of modern humanism are parallel with ones from Renaissance humanism in that it emphasizes long lasting traditions and the power of the individual. These ideas are similar to the bases of Renaissance humanism, which are the revival of the classics and individualism. Modern Humanism is the product of long lasting practices and can be characterized by comparing it to the Renaissance’s revival of classical ideas. The article states that modern humanism is “the outcome of a long tradition”. It is based on previous ideas that have been passed down and adapted into new ones that pertain to the modern world. This is similar to how the Renaissance grew from the exploration of previous ideas from the Greeks and Romans. The word Renaissance itself even means “rebirth”. From classical ideas, Renaissance humanists began to shape themselves and society. One example is a Renaissance writer Leonardo Bruni who took the idea of civilians taking part in government to develop civic humanism. Inspired by the classical Roman Cicero, a statesman and intellectual, civic humanists educated themselves not only to improve their mind but to serve their state as well. The fact that modern humanism is based on traditions proves that it comes from Renaissance humanism. The modern humanist idea that “personal liberty must be combined with social responsibility” is very similar to previous ideas of civic humanism. With the freedom of mind gained from education, it is a civilians responsibility to serve society. Since the fundamental principles of Renaissance and modern humanism are the outcomes of long tradition it can be reasoned that both are based on previous ideas that date back to ancient times. Beliefs of self improvement for the benefit for one’s society have been passed down through generations and have adapted to each time period it goes through. Modern
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