Religious Studies Revision: Meaning Of Stereotypes

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Religious Studies Revision 1) Meaning of Stereotype The definition of a stereotype is any commonly known public belief about a certain social group or a type of individual: “All blond women are dumb.” “Guys are messy and unclean.” “Men who like pink are effeminate.” 1B) Positive stereotype Positive stereotypes are good qualities that are assigned to groups of people based on various characteristics, including their race, nationality and sexual orientation among others. However, even though they are positive, they are still false or incorrect perceptions as they are normally based on minimal evidence. “All Blacks are great basketball players.” “Asians have…show more content…
This is done in a bid to obtain some equality or balance: One example of positive discrimination is when two people called A and the other called B apply for a job both with the same qualifications but B is from a minority group. The company choice to hire B due to their background. I think positive discrimination is wrong because it would be brilliant if jobs were given to the best person for it regardless of colour/religion/disabilities etc. 3) Prejudice Prejudice means making assumptions or having unfavourable feeling or opinion formed before you have knowledge, thought or reason. An example of this is “Prejudice is a preconceived opinion that is not based on fact or reason. Examples of prejudice in schools include believing that other students are homosexual because of the way they dress or act, believing that other students are sexually active because of the way they dress, behave or believing that a certain ethnic group is good at certain sports because many people of that ethnic group are good at sports. Another example believes that an Asian person is good at science because all Asians are good at

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