Religion And Ethnic Diversity: Mormons Vs. Other Religious Groups

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ETH/125 January 25, 2015 Religion And Ethnic Diversity paper ETH/125 January 25, 2015 Religion And Ethnic Diversity paper Week 4 Assignment There are many ways that Mormons differ from other religious groups. I am catholic and I found out Mormons are very different from Catholics. Mormons believe in a modern day revelation through more scripture and prophets of God. When they say modern day this is as opposed to the revelation described in the scripture. They read and follow the bible but they also have the “Book of Mormon” which is another testament of Jesus Christ. This is the main thing that sets Mormons apart from Christians. This book was written by ancient American prophets and translated by Joseph…show more content…
Even if we were outside my parents would ignore them. I always found this hurtful and mean and it made me sad. I now take the time to talk to Mormons when they come to the door or speak when they see me in public. From my understanding the Mormons have not really contributed to American Culture in any way. There have been many forms of prejudice and discrimination against Mormons since the church has started. Such as violence, being kicked out of cities and states. Governments have formed sanctions against them to force them out with violence if needed. The prophet Joseph Smith himself was beaten, arrested on false chargers, and then murdered and no one was ever found guilty for it. In 1847 the Mormons moved to Utah and they thought that they had found peace. In turn they instead were met by the Government who were so suspicious that they had Military troops to watch them and keep track of everything they did. Also when they are abroad Mormons are met with mockery and being chased away. There are rumors that circulate that Mormons are secretive and strange,…show more content…
Now I know what I have seen in person, heard, or watched on television, but this information is not unbiased and can be seen as something one sided. When it comes to what Hispanics have contributed to American Culture what first comes to my mind would be food, music, sports, and style. Salsa music comes mainly from Cuban rhythm that has been put together with Puerto Rican and Colombian beats. The name “Salsa” actually started in New York in the 1970’s. Latina food is a big contribution in America. It is sold everywhere and though sometimes it has been changed and given a more American flair the flavor is still there, and Goya foods are sold in almost every grocery store in America. When it comes to ways that Hispanics have been treated with prejudice or discrimination one of the biggest things would be at the work place. “Studies have found that nearly three in every ten Hispanic workers feel they have been discriminated against in their employment. Some report being referred to with racial slurs at work while one in four feel they are paid less and have reduced career advancement prospects than their Caucasian counterparts. In many organizations, there is a scarcity of Hispanics, Latinos

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