Regulatory Barriers To Nursing Practice Case Study

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1. Why should nursing practice be conducted within the regulatory acts/ guidelines of commonwealth and state laws?
Nurses have a responsibility towards the people to whom they provide care, society and each other to provide safe, quality and competent nursing care. It is generally accepted that they perform their duties professionally under the ‘Code of Professional Conduct for Australia’ policies. These are the set of expected national standards of nursing conduct for Australian nurses. Nurses have to be aware that undertaking activities which are not within their scopes of
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Other factor to consider is that if the client is in legal capacity to give consent i.e. they are not suffering from any mental health problem and the age of the client. In Timothy’s case consent depends on the extent of his disability. The doctors have to try and make Timothy understand the procedure slowly, with the next of keen around and giving Timothy time to think. If he is not able to give any consent or process any information, because he is 18 years of age here the NSW Guardianship Act comes and decides who can give consent on behalf of Timothy which can be parents or guardian. The doctor needs to give the NOK information about the health problem and treatment options. They should not give consent unless they are satisfied that the treatment is a good idea and in the interests of the patient. If there is no person responsible available, the case goes to the Guardianship Tribunal. Sometimes the doctor does not need any consent and can do minor surgeries or treatments but only in EMERGENCY…show more content…
Describe the meaning and principal of open disclosure in a health care environment.

Open disclosure is a discussion and an exchange of information that may take place over several meetings. This is achieved through the training of all staff whose role requires them to undertake this form of disclosure.

Principles * Openness and timeliness of communication: a factual explanation of what happened, given to the support person and patient. * Acknowledgement of the incident: All adverse events should be acknowledged to the patient, their family and carers as soon as practicable. * Expression of regret/ apology: should receive an apology or expression of regret for any harm that resulted from an adverse event. An apology or expression of regret should include the words ‘I am sorry’ or ‘we are sorry’, * Expectation of client and their support person: an explanation of the steps being taken to manage the adverse event and prevent recurrence. * Confidentiality: maintaining the confidentiality between clients and the staff/ clinician.

12. How does open disclosure affect your role as an enrolled nurse and the role of other health care

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