Reflexology Essay

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ELIZABETH LEDWARD COMPLEMENTARY THERAPIES REFLEXOLOGY Basic theories/effects The theory underlying reflexology is that the organs, nerves, glands, and other parts of the body are connected to reflex areas or reflex points on the hands and feet. These areas are found on the soles of the feet and palms of the hands, as well as on the tops. By stimulating these areas using a compression technique and a form of massage with your thumbs, fingers or hands, you can create a direct response in a related body area. The right foot and hand represent the right side of the body, the left hand and foot represent the left side of the body, and according to “zone therapy” there are 10 different zones in the body. The feet are most commonly worked, because practitioners feel they are normally more responsive to treatment. Reflexology can help increase circulation, thereby preventing a sluggish blood flow that could result in clothing. The relaxation aspect of reflexology can help prevent high blood pressure, angina, heart attacks and strokes. Reflexologists understand that reflexology helps release stress which in turn helps the body heal and regenerate itself. Other theories are that reflexology can produce pain relief. This theory suggests reflexology may reduce pain by reducing stress and improving mood. Reflexology sends a calming message to the brain to enable the body to adjust its tension level. Overall relaxation is enhanced, internal organs and their systems go into a state of optimum functioning and blood supply is increased (which brings additional oxygen and nutrients to its cells and enhances waste removal). It positively affects the circulatory, respiratory, endocrine, immune and neuropeptide systems in the body. Uses:- Reflexology is primarily used for:- Ongoing (chronic pain) especially cancer related pain. It is also used for

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