Reflective Text Post Performance Appraisal Meeting

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------------------------------------------------- Supporting Good Practice in Performance and Reward Management ------------------------------------------------- CIPD Human Resources Certificate Level 3 Student - Cosmin Ioan Activity 4 Reflective statement Appraisals are central both to human resource management and performance management. Understanding their role, objectives, benefits and purpose is important to all employers. Careful preparation and understanding is required if the appraisal process is to be successful, worthwhile and relevant. What I learned about the appraisal systems is that both the jobholder and the appraiser should “be on the same page”. Therefore, I like to think of performance reviews just like sales calls, where I work to gain agreement during each step of the discussion. My goal during a performance review is to make sure I have a complete understanding about the employees’ performance, their achievements and failures/pitfalls, their next year’s goals and objectives, and their development plan. By focusing on gaining agreement during each aspect of the review, it helps me ensure that they hear my point of view, that I hear their point of view, and that we reach a mutual understanding on our shared view of their working area and future. Key learning points. 1. As a reviewer, conducting the meeting, I’ve learned that listening to the jobholder’s own views on the performance is very important. Manager’s/reviewer’s approach to the rest of the meeting is determined by what he or she learns in this part of the meeting. Therefore, it’s important that the reviewer should adopt an open, non-judgemental stance and actively listen to what the jobholder is saying. Where the jobholder is not offering specific causes for underperformance, the manager should be alert to certain cues which might suggest what the causes are. 2. The use of

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