Reflections of an Old Nurse

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Reflections of an Old Nurse (On creating a reflective portfolio) October 6, 2013
Since I received feedback on my midterm reflective portfolio, I have a better understanding of the focus I must keep in mind for all the module work I do. Previously, I had treated these reflections as a journal or diary of my reactions to the learning process. Now, I will dig a little deeper and try to put into words the things that I have learned, as well as what I do not yet fully understand.
The case study of Mrs. Wagner finally found me learning to pull it all together. Through it, I was able to see the connections between the subjective and objective data; to find connections to a common thread reach and validate conclusions regarding her diagnosis. This for me was a huge step forward.
My nursing career started WAY before nursing diagnoses came into the picture. When it did, I scoffed at the standard formula of “Alteration in”, “Risk of”, “Potential for”, “As related to”, As evidenced by”; it just seemed like a lot of “Mumbo-Jumbo” to me. What is worse, I soon found my fellow nurses losing sight of their patients in their documentation and simply charting to satisfy the care plan without considering the actual needs of the patients. The patients had ceased to be actual human beings and became merely statistical data. Obviously, I was not a big fan of NANDA!
But, in seeking a better understanding of how the process of developing Nursing Diagnoses works, I found some videos on You Tube of a series of lectures on the subject given by an Instructor from a Community College in Connecticut; they never even gave her name. But I loved her teaching style, leading her students towards the right conclusions without actually giving them the answers; researching in their texts for evidence to support/refute their hypothesis; and suddenly, the blinders came off my eyes! I
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