Reducing Intergroup Conflict Between Delinquent Adolescent Boys

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Reducing intergroup conflict between delinquent adolescent boys Jennifer Slowronek Argosy University Online Social Psychology Abstract This paper will review the causes of intergroup conflicts within a dention center for delinquent boys as well as ways to reduce the conflicts. Troubled adolescents can show unpredictable behavior, which leads to the risk of violence, drug and alcohol usage, and criminal acts. When put into a group setting, these boys could have aggressive behavior towards one another due to different ethnicity or culture. It is important to reduse the risk of having the adolescent boys act out, and forming positive relationships throught out the group. A troubled adolescent boy may show signs of behavioral changes that become unpredictable, and beyond the normal teenage issues. These unpredictable behaviors can lead to at risk behaviors, such as; violence, drugs and alcohol, harming one self, criminal acts, and skipping school. These repeated acts can lead the adolescent into a juvenile justice system putting them into a detention center. Intergroup conflicts are disagreements that occur within a group, usually emerging from objective differences in interest, controlling attitudes, and competition for desired resources. Many of times, these conflicts arise from discrimination that is directed towards others within the group. For example; within an adolescent boys detention center a young boy might be discriminated against, for showing signs of a more feminie behavior. Whether or not he is gay, the other boys might feel this behavior makes him gay therefore are discriminating against him based on his sexual orientation. Stereotypes are over-generalized beliefs about a group or social category. (Argosy Online University, 2015) Making a prejudgment on
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