Red Dress Essay

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Red Dress" In the passionate poem, by Kim Addonizio she studies the theme of desire, particularly a women's desire, and uses a red dress as a metaphor to make her point. The poem is direct to the point stating in the very first line "I want a red dress" (line 1). This simple statement serves to fix the red dress right at the front of a reader's mind. This is what the poem is about, Kim Addonizio is telling us, the image is important. Now we see the passion beneath Addonizio's words. She isn't interested in wearing this dress casually and strong emotions lies beneath those words. "I want it flimsy and cheap" (line 2). A red dress is bold and sexy , a red dress stands out. A red dress is more than just a dress, it says something. This is a poem, therefore we know she is saying that she wants more than a red dress, and that she wants what a red dress represents. As reader we know she what Addonizio is trying to express. The dress is meant to draw attention and to attract. The red dress is crucial in this respect, because it's what causes the attention. The red dress is why they see her , its passion, desire, and attitude. "I want it too tight, I want to wear it until someone tears it off me" (lines 3,4). Addonizio surrounds the speaker with images of everyday life. The speaker confesses, describing how it will make her fell as though she is the only woman on earth. The dress sets her apart from everyday life and makes her fell unique. She wants to be the dress, a highly desirable object with passion. "When I find it, I'll pull that garment from its hanger like I'm choosing a body" (lines 21,22). Now we have the true heart of the poem. She wants more than a dress. The dress is a metaphor for many things like passion, desire, beauty, sex, and confidence. Now we relate ourselves back to the title of the poem: What do women want?
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