Red Death Outline

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OUTLINE Thesis Statement: In order to comprehend the background of the story we need to analyze symbols of the story, the characters of the story and the link between Poe’s life and the story. I. Introduction II. Symbols of the Story A. Red Death B. Rooms C. Masquerade Ball III. Characters of the Story A. Prince Prospero B. Masked Figure IV. Link Between Poe’s Life and the Story V. Conclusion VI. Work Cited I. Introduction The Masque of the Red Death has been criticized and discussed by many people and it seems that it will be like that in the future. Among many Poe’s writings it is one of the most interesting stories he wrote. Story begins a definition of an illness…show more content…
If he'd chosen black, he could have just gone with the "black death”, … instead of having to invent his own plague. Our suspicion is that it's because red's a brighter and more dramatic color than black, and tends to increase black's own "freak out" effect when the two are put together (as in the red and black room). (The Red Death in The Masque of the Red Death) Another view of In addition to that, Poe wanted the name of the plague to match with the symptoms of it. “Blood was its Avatar and its seal --the redness and the horror of blood”(197). Poe lost some people in his life because of tuberculosis that makes people cough with blood. His usage of red may stand for this illness’ symptom. Secondly seven different-colored rooms where the masquerade ball is held are also important as a symbol. It is believed that these seven rooms reflect the stages of life from birth to death. Their design in east-west direction gives the sense of birth and death. As all we know that sun rises from east and sets in west. Here rising of sun stands for birth and setting of it stands for death. In the story, Prince Prospero starts to pursue the masked figure while he is in the first room and he passes all rooms one by one until the seventh room where the death catches. Thus we can see how a man’s life is represented by these

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