Reasons For Us Involvement In The Vietnam War

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Why did America get involved in the Vietnam War? The surrender of the French: The surrender of the French in Vietnam had important repercussions for US policy in Asia. For the USA, it was another example of the spread of communism and brought their involvement in the conflict in Vietnam. The French defeat at Dien Bien Phu, due to the lack of plans to combat the guerrilla tactics of the Vietminh, provided a reason as to why the US increased its involvement. USA’s involvement is highlighted through the extensive aid to the French as they transported ships crammed with military hardware. In addition by December 1953 the US was providing France with 10,000 tons of equipment and they were ultimately covering 70-80% of the cost, this clearly indicates the US’s increased involvement. This increased involvement was simply justified by the US as all part of the…show more content…
This is clearly expressed through the resolution ‘take all necessary measures to repel aimed attacks against the United States’ inevitably the resolution was used to cover the vast escalation of war in 1965, which Johnson initiated and was responsible of. President Johnson significantly escalated US involvement in Vietnam due to operation rolling thunder. This operation was authorized by Johnson and was ultimately designed to increase and intensify US role and as a result the operation gradually escalated in intensity, with aircraft only striking carefully selected targets. US combat troops also marked a new and considerable escalation in US commitment as troops and marine battalions were sent into to protect Da Nang air base. This number increased substantially as on July 27, 1964, 5,000 additional U.S. military advisers were ordered to South Vietnam, bringing the total American troop level to 21,000 and more than 553,000 by
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