Realising The Realism Of Reality

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REALISING THE REALISM OF REALITY “I think, therefore I am” …. Descartes Reality…. We seem to live in it and go on spending everyday of our lives accordingly… But is there more to it than meets the eye? Can we say our world is actually reality? Is this it? Is this reality? The world we live in… is it real? Can we actually say that everything we can touch, taste, smell, see and hear is a part of reality? In The Matrix, people are place in pods where their mind is stimulated to believe that there world (the matrix) is real, when in fact it isn’t. The reality for them is that actually their world has been taken over by machines, and their only purpose is to serve the machines by supplying them with their own energy (the humans are practically the “batteries”). In this situation, it is obvious to say that the “real” world is a dangerous place to be in while the matrix world is a safe place to exist in. In the case of Alice in Wonderland, Alice is able to travel to Wonderland, a whole new world unlike where she had originally come from, only to wake up in question of “was it a dream?” So… is our world like that of the matrix? A computer programmed society where everything seems real? Or is everyone like Alice… someone who is in a dream and who will eventually wake up? Or maybe… our world is real. So… now are you in doubt of our world? Can you be fully confident in convincing that we live in “reality”; the real world? Can you say to yourself that this world you live in is not the matrix or a dream? The next time you go to sleep, have a think about it. Are you going to sleep… or are you actually waking up? Reality is the state of things as they exist. By this definition of reality, we can say that this is it… this world is reality. Why? Because reality is what a person perceives it to be… The perception is the key to reality. Our perception of our world and
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