reading and interpreting a cultural landscape

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Write an essay ‘reading’ and ‘interpreting’ a cultural landscape that you are familiar with, adopting the approaches and methodologies employed by ‘new’ cultural geographers. The topic, which I have decided to write and interpret about, is Dublin Castle. There are several key reasons why I have picked Dublin Castle. It is a cultural landscape that I have become very familiar with during my life as I live within close proximity to it. Also Dublin Castle is a national cultural landscape that has changed its cultural setting many times throughout the years due to different occupiers of the site. It is also a well-known tourist attraction, which is interwoven, in Irish history. During this essay I will portray how the landscape is a clue to the culture of the castle, why the human landscapes is undoubtedly connected to the physical landscapes of the castle and also why it is essential to know the history and development of the castle to portray its culture. Dublin Castle is the very heart of historic Dublin. In fact the city gets its name from the Black Pool - 'Dubh Linn' which was on the site of the present Castle garden. The Castle stands on the highest ground in the locality, at the junction of the River Liffey, which formed a natural boundary on two sides of the castle. It is very probable that the original fortification on this easily defended strategic site was a Gaelic Ring fort, which guarded the nearby harbour. In the 930's, a Danish Viking Fortress stood on this site and it was a part of the town’s defences. This quickly became the main Viking military base and trading centre of slaves and silver, in Ireland. Neither the Irish nor the Vikings could withstand the Norman invasion of 1169. The Vikings were ejected and the Normans became the next occupiers of Dublin. They strengthened and expanded the existing town walls. It is assumed that their first
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