Reactions of the Film Cold Mountain

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The movie opens in 1864, with the South well on its way to losing the Civil War. After recovering from a devastating injury, infantryman Inman decides to desert and make his way back to his home town of Cold Mountain, North Carolina, where he hopes to have a life with Ada, the preacher's daughter. It has been three years since they last saw each other, and he doesn't know for sure whether she is waiting for him. They hardly know each other - their interaction was brief, but left a lasting impression. However, the trek back to Cold Mountain proves to be an arduous one. Along the way, Inman meets a number of odd people, some of whom are interested in helping, and others who see him only as a way to make a profit. Meanwhile, Ada has been waiting. Following the death of her father , she has let the farm lapse into disarray. Enter Ruby Thewes , a plain-speaking freespirit who offers to help Ada rebuild the farm in exchange for meals and lodging. A bargain is struck and the two begin a mutually beneficial partnership that develops into a friendship. He's a Confederate soldier horrified by the awful things he's done to others, and had done to him. She's a delicate beauty who, in times of privation, must learn to work the land her father's left her. A thousand miles separate Inman and Ada from each other. Yet their love, which they'd both come to realize at the outbreak of the Civil War, will keep them strong, and compel them to rejoin each other, no matter what. There are many scenes to show us Inman’s psychological world because Inman was a man too shy to express himself. When Inman looked at Ada as she was playing piano to say good morning to him, he loved her. When Inman thought about the words the old woman who saved his life said that there is a plan designed by each one of us, he thought about his life. When the country woman killed the damynkee, he thought

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