Do Essentialists Aim To Teach Students To Reconstruct Society

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Test Your Understanding of the Philosophies 1. Answer each with a YES or NO. If your answer is NO, explain your answer in a sentence. * ESSENTIALISM 1. Do essentialists aim to teach students to reconstruct society? * No. They aim to transmit the traditional moral values and intellectual knowledge that students need to become model citizens. 2. Is the model citizen of the essentialist the citizen who contributes to the re-building of society? * No. The model student is the one who show mastery of the basic skills and that one who lives by traditional moral values. 3. Do the essentialist teachers give up teaching the basics if the students are not interested? * No. They teach subject matter even if the students…show more content…
Does the existentialist teacher make heavy use of the individualized approach? * Yes. * BEHAVIORISM 1. Are behaviorists concerned with the modification of students’ behavior? * Yes. 2. Do behaviorist teachers spend their time teaching their students on how to respond favorably to various environmental stimuli? * Yes. 3. Do behaviorist teachers believe they have control over some variables that affect learning? * Yes. 4. Do behaviorist teachers believe that students are a product of their environment? * Yes. II. Test Your Mastery. YOU MAY NEED TO RESEARCH FURTHER IN ORDER TO GAIN MASTERY. The first exercise in this lesson (An Exercise to Determine Your Life Philosophy) may help. To which philosophy /ies do/es each theory of man belong? A person: 1. Behaviorism is a product of his environment. 2. Existentialism has no universal nature. 3. Essentialism & Perennialism has a rational and moral power. 4. Behaviorism has no choice; he is determined by his environment. 5. Existentialism can choose what he can become. 6. Behaviorism is a complex combination of matter that responds to physical stimuli. 7. Behaviorism has no free…show more content…
Progressivism. Use of simulation and problem-solving method. 6. Existentialism. Learners learning at their own pace. 7. Essentialism. Mastery of the 3 r’s- reading, writing and rithmetic. 8. Essentialism. The traditional approach to education. 9. Essentialism & Perennialism. Subject matter-centered teaching. 10. Progressivism & Existentialism. Student-centered teaching. 11. Essentialism & Perennialism. Authoritarian approach to teaching. 12. Progressivism & Existentialism. Non-authoritarian approach to teaching. D. Draw a symbol for each of the 5 philosophies. Explain your symbol. ESSENSIALISM | The symbol which moves towards more complex skills and detailed this system student would sit on a row and taught in masses. | PROGRESSIVISM | This symbol sympathizes with competition. Its advocate group rather than individual. | PERRENIALISM | It’s a symbol that students given a chance to show and reason out in action most importantly its show the uncertain false step in reality. | EXISTENTIALISM | This symbolize that if one make a decision, he or she must to follow through. This is something are irrational or absurd without explanation.
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