Rasquo: The House Of Tomorrow By Gary Crew

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Q1. The House of Tomorrow ‘The House of Tomorrow’ is a captivating story written by Gary Crew, telling the heartfelt journey of a student called Danny. His journey is told by Mr Mac, a lonely teacher, who by luck or sheer misfortune comes to know Danny. This novel also tells of Mr Mac’s own experiences as he progresses through the year. This essay will be discussing how and why the main character Mr Mac, changes during the novel in ways such as: learning to have friends and letting go of his past. During this novel, Mr Mac learns to open up and meet new people. This is one of the huge changes that Mr Mac encounters. Friends aren’t a main focus in Mr Mac’s life, as school takes up most of his time. However, as he opens himself to others he experiences new things and fun adventures. This is the main result of his encounter with Liz, who helps him let go of a dark and scary past. Liz is a music teacher who is full of life and fun. Liz meets Mr Mac through the school musical and they instantly connect. For many years Mr Mac had no urge to relate with others, but Liz was different. They both…show more content…
During Mr Mac’s many years of teaching, the strain and busyness of work hindered his true personality. Mr Mac always dressed like a teacher and kept his serious side to ensure his authority. In Mr Mac’s teaching world there was no room to make silly mistakes. However, once Mr Mac stopped teaching, there was room to relax and for him to be himself. This is truly shown near the end of the novel where Mr Mac gets rid of his teaching clothes along with his past ‘treasures’, in preparation for his new life at the beach. Along with Mr Mac’s new attire, was his new name – plain old ‘Bill MacDonald.’ This Bill MacDonald, however, is one that is now free and full of

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