Rape of the Lock

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The Rape of the Lock Alexander Pope used a mock epic to expose the life of the aristocratic society of his time in his poem The Rape of the Lock. An epic is considered a very serious narrative in which one describes heroic deeds and events significant to a particular culture. Pope utilized the mock epic to expose the pettiness of his society by casting it against the grandeur of the traditional epic characters and the bravery and courage of epic heroes. The Rape of the Lock is a narrative poem consisting of five cantos. Each canto consists of one heroic couplet followed by another. The use of flawless iambic pentameter and a perfect AABB rhyme scheme is consistent throughout the poem however, when Pope differs from this meter and rhyme he is emphasizing a word or idea in that line. By doing this Pope effortlessly guides the reader through the poem while allowing them to see how he perceives things. Pope summarizes the poem in the first two lines when he states, “What dire offense from amorous causes springs, What mighty contests rise from trivial things.” The powerful diction used in the first line gives the reader the idea that something huge and terrible is going to happen. This idea is taken away in the second line when Pope says that trivial things are the cause this horrible event. The diction in the first two lines goes from being broad and powerful to being small and petty. While Pope uses objects and events to directly compare important and trivial things throughout the poem, he also takes advantage of the diction to indirectly show this comparison to the reader. While the first two lines of the poem provides a small summary of the mock epic itself, it also gives you an insight into how Pope’s carefully crafted diction is the underlying foundation of this mock epic. The first canto the main character Belinda is introduced. Even though she is sleeping

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