Rap It Up Research Paper

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Wrap it Up or Rap it Up Natasha, a 16 year-old high school junior, thinks she has gotten life completely figured out and thought she knew it all. She is an exceedingly intelligent girl, an A student, and head captain on her high school volleyball team. Natasha had been using Levora birth control for years and in a two-year relationship. She did not think about the consequences of having unprotected sex. She did not think she would be the one to get pregnant at such a young age. She did not think she was going to be just another statistic. Natasha simply did not think. Many teens, like Natasha, are sexually active and do not realize the consequences they are exposing themselves to. Many teens girls end up pregnant and it not only has a negative or positive impact on them, but also on their families. Teen pregnancy affects families financially, socially, and emotionally. Pregnancy can come as a surprise to many teenagers due to lack of knowledge. In the United States, a majority of women become pregnant in their late teen years every year. The rate of teen…show more content…
They feel sexual education would teach their children that they would have wait until marriage to have sex. Many of these parents do not feel comfortable with the idea of their child being subjected to spiritual welfare. (Opposing par. 3) They feel like they do not want their kids think their physical actions are connected to their spiritual actions. They want their children to be taught that their body is completely separate from their spirit. (Opposing par. 4) It is apparent that this argument is ignorant and wrong. Sexual education is not a course that promotes religion, especially in public schools. Even if religion were taught in the course, it would only be a branch of the program. The objective of having sexual education is to reduce that numbers pregnancies and sexually transmitted
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