Ralph, Piggy And Jack In 'Lord Of The Flies'

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Examine Golding’s presentation of the characters of Ralph, Piggy and Jack in chapter one of Lord of the Flies. Ralph, Jack and Piggy are the main characters of lord of the flies. They are all very different characters and are all presented in many different ways. Ralph. Ralph is a well presented character, he is the only character that things logically and has common sense about life on the tropical island; they are all alone without any adults or grown ups. First of this seems as a dream come true for Ralph, this is all Ralph has ever wanted. When Ralph starts to realise he is on a tropical island he gets over excited, he expresses his excitement by running into the sea that the plane had crashed into and he had gone swimming. He relies…show more content…
He is very shy with the others and at first he doesn’t want all the others to know his nick name they used to call him at school. But because he has told Ralph he’s relying on Ralph to keep the secret from the others ‘so long as you don’t tell the others’. Piggy doesn’t come across as being intelligent but he is the only one on the island that talks sense ‘nobody don’t know were here’ he doesn’t talk in proper sentences that’s why all the boys in the camp do not thing he is intelligent but he is the only one that is talking sense and knows what is going on. Piggy is also rational and has an understanding about life. He constantly warns the boys about their behaviour and foolish ways. He also becomes Ralph's best friend. Piggy’s glasses represent civilisation. Without his glasses piggy is very nearly blind, he relies on his glasses as he relies on civilisation. Piggy isn’t used to the environment. The island doesn’t agree with him. It gives him the runs ‘sorry I been such time, them fruit’. Piggy is also a very organised character, when they meet the rest of the boys on the island he asks everyone’s name and makes a list, this shows piggy is very organised and likes everything in a certain way. Piggy is also very jealous of Ralph, Ralph is very athletic and because piggy has asthma he cannot physically do everything that Ralph can do, piggy is very jealous of Ralphs

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