Ragged Dick Essay

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Rags to Riches From Street Life to living the young American Dream, Ragged Dick is a novel written by Horatio Alger Jr. Taking Place on the streets of New York City in the 1800’s this inspirational novel is about a about a young boy Richard Hunter and his attempt to live a better life and to achieve the American Dream. Richard Hunter also known as Ragged Dick is a homeless fourteen year old city boy. He is described as a plucky street boy who smokes, gambles and speaks ungrammatically. But don’t let that fool you. He is an honest, friendly, and a hardworking guy and on top of all that he also doesn’t believe in stealing! Being on the streets and parentless since he was seven years old, he has been through a lot. Before being a bootblack he had other professions that were dead ends for him. He was once a newspaper boy but being unable to read he wouldn’t know how to advertise the news. He also went into the match business but he would end up burning all his matches just to survive a cold winter night. As time went on he finally settled in with a shoe shining business. Through Dick’s personality and charm he meets many different people that inspire him and change his life. The earliest person that impacts Dick’s life is a young lad named Frank. Frank is visiting New York City with his uncle Mr. Whitney. Coming from a wealthy family Frank is a bright and a well-mannered kid. Dick overheard a conversation between Frank and his Uncle and offered to show Frank around New York City. Mr. Whitney accepted Dick’s proposal and gave Dick a brand new set of clothes back at their hotel before setting the young kids off. The two kids go around sightseeing the crowded city both acting as a tourist and a tour guide and getting to know each other. After their many adventures through the day they return back to the hotel before saying their “Good-by”. Mr. Whitney and Frank
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