Racism In Mockingbird

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Racism in To Kill a Mockingbird The novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee is a simplistic view of life in the Deep South of America in the 1930s. An innocent but humorous stance in the story is through the eyes of Scout and Jem Finch. Scout is a young adolescent who is growing up with the controversy that surrounds her fathers lawsuit. Her father, Atticus Finch is a lawyer who is defending a black man, Tom Robinson, with the charge of raping a white girl. The lives of the characters are changed by racial intolerances and this is the force that develops during the course of the narrative. As previously mentioned, the point of view in this narrative is from Scout. Her upbringing has been considerate and civil to the African-Americans in her society and she shows this with her relationship with her maid, Calpurnia. Other children her age have adopted their parents' racial prejudice views, leading her to be facing the intolerances of her peers which in turn leads to be causing pain and confusion. Atticus’s lawsuit seems to isolate his children and Scout is taunted with remarks in the playground. Her only retort is violence and Atticus, as an virtuous father, does not condone this behavior either: "My fists were clenched I was ready to make fly. Cecil Jacobs had announced the day before that Scout Finch's daddy defended niggers." Atticus's battle for justice causes more problems for Scout. She continues to face a volley of harsh words and as always got to make efforts to defend her father for his decisions but the racist remarks do not stop. These remarks just show how cruel children can be to other children. She feels the need to defend her father to Francis, her cousin. He was also taunting her with accusations: "At a safe distance her called, `He's nothin' but a nigger-lover'." Racial injustices and segregation continue to cause upheaval in their lives
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