Racism After 9/11 Essay

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Racism Post 9/11 September 11th 2001 will forever be remembered as 102 minutes that changed America. The attacks not only shook the nation with fear but altered racial stereotypes until this very day. When one reflects upon the media post 9/11, they initially spot the increases in Arab/Muslim prejudged remarks; however, with a decade past one could argue movies and television shows have managed to represent a more accurate illustration of life in the Middle East. Days following the attacks on the twin towers, the media occupied its broadcast with horrible racial stereotypes. Newspapers, homepages, and newscasts filled their content with prejudiced information which distorted many Americans point of view. A quote aired from ABC News Message Board displays exactly how the nation felt directly after the attacks, “The Muslims are a bunch of savages that should be nuked off the face of the earth. The Islamic way of life, their nations,…show more content…
I was particularly affected by the fear of leaving my home that enveloped me on a daily basis. You see, although I come from a country in the Caribbean, Americans thought I was Iraqi, Pakistani, you name it.” (NBC News) Sandra goes on to describe how NO ONE would sit next to him on the bus, how people would stare when he entered public places, and how most Americans acted as though he was invisible. He talks about the never-ending struggle he faces day in and day out, what it is like to go for a job and not even be considered, and how in the 16 years of living in America the one lesson he has learned is racism. “America likes to deny that these things do not exist, but almost every American, in their own little way, every day contributes to the generous and accumulative racism of this country.” (Sandra
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