Quotes From The Odyssey

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Odyssey journey Nicky S Amey March 27, 2014 World Literature I: From the Ancient World to the Middle Ages| ENG2001 S03 Professor Roseann Wolak South University Online Through the ancient years gods have been worship for many years. Furthermore there have been different religious beliefs throughout the entire world. We as people have a higher power that helps us and guides within our life span on earth. In The Odyssey by Homer Written 800 B.C.E, Odysseus is a very strong and courage’s man. He has been tested by the gods many time throughout his journey for his leadership in leading his mean to battle. He has traveled many cities include the famous town called troy. However the gods are the one that has been protecting…show more content…
We took their wives and also much booty, which we divided equitably amongst us, so that none might have reason to complain”. (Homer, 800 B.C.E) in the middle of the chapters the men ruled the world and the woman were treated like dirt. The gods and goddess are the ones that ruled the world and the king and queen had to obey their every command and if not obey there would have been some consequences. As for the people they had to obey the king and queen in order not to be killed. They king and queen and their people will always be protected by the gods and goddess because they were always praying to the gods or goddess. This is done so because they know they might need help or guides. They also pray to say thank you for their blessings to the gods and the goddess. Odysseus journey was for a reason to learn and to know how to be a leader in leading his men into battle and the gods wanted to see if he can bring his men home safely. Within this trail he was able to make it home. Which this is due to the people of Greek and how they worth ship the gods and goddess they have seen how powerful they are. The gods seen that you cannot change a man’s faith and that faith can lead you home. This is how Odysseus was able to get back because of his

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