Queen Elizabeth's Troubles Because Of Gender

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Even though the ideas about gender at the time greatly influenced Queen Elizabeth I’s rule, she brought much success and political stability to the nation of England during her rule. During Elizabeth’s reign, religious peoples leaned towards the view that women shouldn’t be ruling. She responded to these thoughts by showing her anger and expressing how much strong leadership she possessed. Throughout Elizabeth’s rule in England, she faced much opposition from the church. John Knox, a Scottish religious reformer, explores the idea that women are utterly forbidden to occupy the place of God in religious offices. Knox even quotes scripture to reassure the fact that women shouldn’t be able to rule. In document 2, Nicholas Heath debates before the House of Lords the same argument, which is that no women should be the ruler and or be in any part of the church. This shows that they had no acceptance of the idea that women could hold any sort of power. Another church idea is from document 5, which is an excerpt from The Second Book of Homilies, which was produced by bishops of England, and it was authorized by Elizabeth I. It discusses the idea that men should be the ones leading and holding the power while women should cease from commanding and perform subjection. One last opposition from the church is explored in document 7. Edward Rishton, a Roman Catholic priest, discusses his hate for the fact that she is becoming more important than religious church figures, one example would be that the people are praising Elizabeth’s birthday more than the feast of the Mother of God. During this time there were also because who opposed the view of the church and accepted the fact that Elizabeth was their leader. Some of these people knew Elizabeth; therefore they had some sort of bias because of the friendship. John Aylmer, friend of Elizabeth I’s tutor, states that
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