Quality Improvement Analysis

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Quality Improvement [Name of the Writer]
[Name of the Institution]
Quality Improvement

Introduction of the Organization Comanche Country Memorial Hospital is a non-profit, independent, and the facility of acute-care that prides itself on considering and facilitating the patient first and providing the quality care that is award winning. The hospital is located in the centre of Southwest Oklahoma and is conveniently accessible from I-44. The memorial hospital has approximately 2,000 employees on both part-time and full-time basis has around 283 beds that are licensed, 250 credential physicians and employ the benefits of around 100 volunteers. The Hospital is directed by a Board of Trustee that is comprised of 5 members,
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For appropriately comparing such standards that are pre-settled in the plan must be understood from the start as it benefits the measureable outcomes of the quality improvement. All the available outcomes must be considered with positivity. The quality improvement plan of Comanche Country Memorial Hospital measures some main standards which are Governance structure; approaches, frameworks, and methodologies of the Management Control; several strategic programs and objectives; and the benefits which are entertained by all the stakeholders of the…show more content…
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