Qualitative Vs. Quantitative Research Methodology:

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Qualitative vs. Quantitative Research Methodology: Compare and Contrast I would like to begin by stating that I feel that utilizing both quantitative and qualitative research for conducting research is the best route to take. Although qualitative research is usually better for exploring, understanding, and uncovering, quantitative research is generally better for confirming and clarifying. Numbers are good, though on their own they cannot tell the whole story. For example, a research study conducted by a new property management company may find that in a complex of twenty residents, in which fifteen residents preferred that no pets be allowed on the premises and five of the residents feel that they should be allowed. Should the new management company adopt a policy of no pets allowed or should it have a mixed policy depending on which residents were involved? The evidence, as it stands, could be used to support either. More importantly, we cannot be sure of the strength of feeling of each of the residents nor why they hold their views. It might be that the fifteen dislike having pets on the property due to a previous experience with former tenants, with pet noise and sanitation could be a factor as well. Or. They could just flat out not be animal lovers. Indeed, until we find out more details of why these tenants hold their opinions, a range of possibilities can be imagined for which policy will be adopted. Qualitative researchers are interested in answering those “why?” questions and are not prepared to simply accept the quantitative answers. That is not to suggest that the quantitative data is not important for to know that fifteen out of twenty have one view rather than another is useful. It is just not enough on its own. When placed alongside qualitative evidence, quantitative evidence is both clear and powerful. Although sometimes it can appear so

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